Your access to the data visualization resources all over Sweden
Competency & Skills
Chalmers University
Daniel Sjölie
Application Expert
Fabio Latino
Node Coordinator
Jeremy Azzopardi
Application Expert
Joakim Bohlin
Application Expert
Monica Billger
Orfeas Eleftheriou
Application Expert
Gothenburg University
David Alfter
Application Expert
Jonathan Westin
Application Expert
Kristin Åkerlund
Application Expert
Matteo Tomasini
Application Expert
Tristan Bridge
Application Expert
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Björn Thuresson
Lab Director
Christopher Peters
Application Expert
Filip Berendt
Node Coordinator, Application Expert, Ticketing System Manager
Jessica Cistakova
Application Expert
Linköping University
Anders kettisen
Application Expert
Erik Junholm
Application Expert
Erik Sundén
Application Expert
Erik Telldén
Application Expert
Gustav Eriksson
Application Expert
Karljohan Lundin Palmerius
Application Expert
Lonni Besançon
Node Coordinator
Ludvig Mangs
Application Expert
Måns Gezelius
Application Expert
Mario Romero
National Technical Manager
Peter Westerdahl
Former National Technical Manager
Sergey Ignatenko
Application Expert
Linnaeus University
Ahmad Abdou
Application Expert
Amilcar Soares
Application Expert
Andreas Kerren
Node Coordinator
Benjamin Powley
Application Expert
claudio linhares
Application Expert
Jaume Nualart
Application Expert
Karen Larkina
Application Expert
Reem Othman
Application Expert
Lund University
Alexandros Sopasakis
Application Expert
Anders Follin
Application Expert
Carl Troein
Application Expert
Emanuel Larsson
Node Coordinator
Günter Alce
Application Expert
Henrik Garde
Application Expert
Jens Nirme
Application Expert
Jonas Ahlstedt
Application Expert
Kajsa M Paulsson
Vice director
Kalle Åström
Application Expert
Katharina Beckmann
Communications Officer
Mid Sweden University
Emin Zerman
Application Expert
Liang Zhou
Application Expert
Mårten Sjöström
Node Coordinator
Roger Olsson
Application Expert
Umeå University
Evelina Liliequist
Module Leader
Kajsa Palm
Application Expert
Maria Podkorytova
Node Coordinator
Mattis Lindmark
Application Expert
Uppsala University
Nikita Singh
Application Expert
Ingela Nyström
Node Coordinator
Anders Hast
Distinguished University Teacher
Victoria Yantseva
CDHU Research Coordinator
Application Expert
InfraVis Faculty
The InfraVis Faculty will consist of senior visualization researchers both from within InfraVis as well as external to it. The Faculty plays a key role in bridging research and visualization services by supporting scientific advancements, leading training initiatives, and acting as key contacts for different research areas requiring visualization expertise. Faculty members are appointed from partner universities, ensuring broad expertise across disciplines. The Faculty also provides external reviews to candidate applications to the annual user call for in-depth user support.
Node Introduction
Skill Cards
Competency Tags
Visualization Tools and Libraries
Tools & Software
For an overview of software expertise available within InfraVis, please see Competency Tags above. This is a selection of tools and software that have been successfully used in our user-support projects.
Vanilla JS
Flexiboar is, a customizable dashboard for time series data, offering 3 diagrams options: line graph, combined with parallel coordinates shape, then Heatmaps diagrams adapted to calendar views, and finally Horizon graphs.
Python Flask/SQLite for back end and APIs
Python Flask is a great option for building server APIs linked to databases. SQLite is a great option for small datasets and doesn’t need specific ddbb maintenance, since SQLite comes with Python.
VIAMD (Visual Interactive Analysis of Molecular Dynamics) is an innovative open-source software designed to enhance and streamline the analysis of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations.
Labs & Infrastructure
Constructing a virtual Synchrotron X-ray beamline
The InfraVis node at Lund University has developed an application and workflow to visualize tomographic datasets in the immersive CAVE system at the Virtual Reality laboratory at LTH – Faculty of Engineering. The workflow was originally made for the LINXS hackathon SynchroMage: 3D Tomography and Visualisation for Earth’s Hidden Treasures – Environment and Climate theme,…
Interactive tools for visualisation of DNA, RNA, and protein structures
Joakim Bohlin, InfraVis Application Expert, developed interactive tools for visualizing DNA, RNA, and protein structures. His work includes oxView for DNA nanotechnology, oxJenga for VR simulations of DNA origami, and Vrotein, a web app for protein visualization using VR/AR. These tools were showcased at MAX IV Users’ Meeting 2025.
Inspecting tomographic datasets and Protein Data Base files in Augmented Reality – the perfect tool for an immersive poster session
The InfraVis node at Lund University has developed an application and workflow to visualize tomographic datasets in the immersive CAVE system at the Virtual Reality laboratory at LTH – Faculty of Engineering. The workflow was originally made for the LINXS hackathon SynchroMage: 3D Tomography and Visualisation for Earth’s Hidden Treasures – Environment and Climate theme,…
UPPMAX- Uppsala Multidisciplinary Center for Advanced Computational Science
UPPMAX is Uppsala University’s resource involving high-performance computers, large-scale storage and know-how for high-performance computing (HPC).
Theatrum Visuale
An important mission for InfraVis is to provide user training. Theatrum Visuale is a venue situated at the Ångström Laboratory which is specially prepared for visualization training.
CDHU-Centre for digital Humanities and Social Sciences at Uppsala University
Digital Humanities (DH) refers to the interdisciplinary scientific field that combines information and communication technologies (ICT) with the arts, humanities and social sciences. As methods and tools for analysis are increasingly digital, CDHU has the ambition to strengthen DH competence for world leading research and education.
CBA- Centre for Image Analysis
The Centre for Image Analysis conducts research in computerised image analysis and perceptualization through the development of methods, algorithms and systems for applications in life science, medicine, digital humanities, and other disciplines. CBA aims to spread knowledge about the use of image processing in other research groups and in society.
GRIDH / ArkLab
At the Faculty of Humanities, GRIDH runs a visualization laboratory in collaboration with SHFA and ArkLab. In the lab there is equipment for three-dimensional digitization of environments, analysis of point clouds, Virtual and Augmented Reality development, 3D printing, and scanning of board works and posters. The laboratory also has a number of powerful workstations for…
Visualization Studio VIC
The Visualization Studio, VIC, at KTH hosts state-of-the-art technology supporting high-end graphics and visualization of complex data over many platforms, from hand-held mobile devices to wall-sized 4K displays to immersive augmented and virtual reality environments. It supports cutting-edge interaction including gesture- and speech-based control, haptic feedback, eye tracking, and multitouch.
Humlab is a competence center at Umeå University with access to a technical environment for digital humanities. Humlab has a cross-disciplinary and multidisciplinary organization, and the meeting across disciplinary boundaries is central. Humlab conducts research, teaching and collaboration. Our mission includes initiating, inspiring and developing the relationship between the Humanities, Culture and Information Technology in…
Wadströms Exploranation Laboratory
Wadströms Exploranation Laboratory is on the top floor of Visualization Center C in Norrköping and is part of Linköping University. Here, LiU and InfraVis-granted researchers in areas such as climate, environment, and sociology, together with researchers in visualization, have created completely new opportunities to understand and explore the world around us. Welcome!
VR arena
On the ground floor of the Visualization Centre, the VR arena, with a 14 square meter flat projector screen, with rear projection powered by three separate projectors with active stereo capability.
Visualization dome in stereo
The Dome has a screen size of just under 300 square meters, weighs approximately 2,500 kg and is suspended from the ceiling by 14 chains. The Dome is used for both public screenings and visualization research, which places high demands on image quality. The visual experience is created by six separate projectors which together provide…
Positioning lab
Positioning lab is part of the Centre for Mathematical Sciences at Lund University. Positioning is a fundamental component for developing many smart applications in the future. We are happy to be able to offer this opportunity to researchers at both universities and companies.
Virtual Reality Lab
Virtual Reality (VR) can be described as an artificial environment that has been created digitally. By providing the user’s senses with information as realistic as possible, the user is presented with a version of reality that doesn’t really exist, yet can be experienced as very convincing.
Imaging at large-scale facilities offers unique opportunities for measuring a material’s microstructure. Most often, these measurements require quantitative image analysis to obtain the relevant information. To ensure a high scientific output from MAX IV, the QIM center aims at developing and using the most relevant tools for analyzing the data for a given problem.
Humanities lab
LU Humanities Lab is a university-wide research infrastructure, located at the Joint Faculties for Humanities and Theology, that offers researchers access to advanced instruments and associated methodological competence to measure human behavior, expertise in data management, as well as research preparation training and user support in a cross-disciplinary and international environment.
LU-IPA, previously CIPA, is the Lund University infrastructure for Image Processing and Analysis. LU-IPA provides services for image processing and analysis, guidance and tutorial to software, access to computer work stations with image processing and analysis software, access to on-site application expertise and tools.
Lund University Bioimaging Centre (LBIC) is a resource of unique technologies and expertise available to preclinical and clinical research groups at Lund University, Region Skåne as well as external organizations and companies. LBIC is housing a large variety of advanced preclinical and clinical imaging equipment and techniques ranging from micro to macro.
LUNARC is the center for scientific and technical computing at Lund University. The center provides computation, visualization, and storage resources within all aspects of computational science.
Tags Cloud
2D graphic tools (7) 3D animation (7) 3D artist (8) 3D modeling (9) 3D rendering (4) 2022 (5) 2023 (19) Adobe Creative Suite (5) Alexandros Sopasakis (5) Andreas Kerren (7) Application Expert (46) augmented reality (5) Björn Thuresson (5) Blender (15) C++ (18) Chalmers University (15) CIPA (7) CSS (4) D3 (10) data type (9) digital twin (6) Emanuel Larsson (13) Fabio Latino (4) Filip Berendt (9) Fortran (4) game development (7) gaming vis. (8) GIS (10) Github (11) GLSL/HLSL (5) Günter Alce (5) hardware (14) Hierarchical (3) highlight (4) HTML (5) human computer interaction (8) Humanities Lab (6) information visualization (8) infrastructure (19) Ingemar Markström (7) interactive 2D visualization (3) interactive 3D visualization (6) interactive graphic (9) Inviwo (7) Java (5) Javascript (10) Jens Nirme (7) Joakim Eriksson (5) Jonas Ahlstedt (9) KTH Royal Institute of Technology (18) LBIC (3) Linköping University (22) Linnaeus University (12) LINXS (4) Lund University (29) management (3) Mario Romero (13) Matlab (10) MatplotLib (6) Mattias Wallergård (4) medical data visualization (3) methodology (10) microtomography (4) Mid Sweden University (7) module-leader (6) multidimensional (3) networks (4) Node Coordinator (7) OpenSceneGraph (5) ParaView (5) Pascal (5) physics simulation (7) programming language (16) project management (9) Python (20) QIM (5) R-program-language (4) role (10) SAB (4) scientific data visualization (4) software development (5) Steering Committee (7) test (8) Umeå University (9) Unity (10) University of Gothenburg (7) Unreal Engine (14) Uppsala University (19) UX design (4) Vega (4) virtual reality (6) vis. of large data sets (7) Visualization Center C (4) Visualization Studio VIC (9) visualization tools and libraries (19) visual storytelling (4) VR Lab (9) web-based data visualization (4) web development (4) X-ray (4)