Christopher Peters
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Associate Professor of HCI and Computer Graphics
Role In Infravis
Application Expert
Dr. Christopher Peters is an Associate Professor (Docent) and director of the Embodied Social Agents Lab (ESAL) at the Department of Computational Science and Technology (CST). He obtained his PhD from Trinity College Dublin in 2004 and is a member of the SRA ICT-The Next Generation, a platform for the recruitment of talented faculty at KTH.
His research interests include the investigation of interrelationships between computational visual attention, affect, memory, theory of mind and gaze control models for real-time control, perception of, and multimodal interaction with humanoid agents, groups and crowds in urban and other spatial contexts. These works cross the domains of virtual characters, physical social/mobile robots and computer graphics/virtual reality.
To this end, he has participated in numerous national and international projects, including the EU FP6 Network of ExcellenceHUMAINE(€4.95M), EU FP6 Focused Research ProjectCALLAS(€9.5M)and Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) funded METROPOLIS (€2.5M). He was the PI for KTH in the EU Horizon 2020 Innovation project ProsocialLearn (€4.2M), and is the PI for KTH in the ongoing EU Horizon 2020 MSCA Innovative Training Networks ANIMATAS (€3.9M) and CLIPE (€4M).