Yin He

Linköping University

Chief UX Designer, Project Leader

Role in InfraVis

Designer, Website Administrator

  • yin.he@liu.se

Experienced In

UX & UI Design, Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Service Design, Website Development, Information & Data Visualization, Project & Account Management, Product Planning and Management, Marketing & Branding Management, User Study and Market Research

Tools Used Frequently

WordPress, Figma, Adobe Creative Suite, Watchout


I have more than 20 years of working experience related to user experience development, including 10 years in design and 10 years in product management. I used design as a communication tool to drive forward different types of projects. As a UX designer, it is my nature to see different perspectives from people in different contexts, then visualize the differences and communicate with these people to agree on differences and consensus.

Project for InfraVis