InfraVis Call to apply for in-depth visualization support for research projects 2024

Swedish scientists at universities and research institutes can now apply for visualization support to strengthen their research project.

You can apply for up to 600 hours of visualization support and receive help from InfraVis with, for example, data curation, visualized material for user studies, visual analyses of experimental data, interaction techniques, and videos and figures for research publications.

Visualization and Graphics produced in an InfraVis project . People involved: Daniele Massaro, Jiahui Liu, Martin Karp, Niclas Jansson, Ingemar Markström, Stefano Markidis, Tino Weinkauf, Philipp Schlatter.


Academic research today relies on the analysis of data from a wide range of sources including observations, experiments, sensors, modeling, simulations, text data, surveys, or mining of data repositories. Data analysis and visualization are the tools that InfraVis provides to support scientific workflows. InfraVis is a team of over 60 visualization experts across nine universities in Sweden providing access to development expertise and visualization laboratories addressing the challenges involving large and complex data. Please read more about InfraVis resources at our services page.

Application Requirements

  • The applicant must be a Principal Investigator (PI) who holds a PhD and is an active researcher at a Swedish academic research institution. 
  • The aims of the project proposal must include scientific dissemination with at least one planned peer-reviewed publication acknowledging the contributions of InfraVis. 
  • The PI must assign at least one researcher to take part in the regular work to ensure efficient knowledge transfer and the co-design and evaluation of the visualization development. 
  • The application must include a clear dataset for analysis and visualization which InfraVis Application Experts can have access to handle. The ethical permits and formal handling protocols of sensitive data must be managed by the applicant. The storage and transfer of the data must also be managed by the applicant. 
  • InfraVis applies a cost model with subsidized user-fees for this call.

Levels of Support from InfraVis

There are three levels of support in InfraVis: under 10 hours, under 80 hours, and under 600 hours. This call addresses the third level called in-depth support. The application will be evaluated and classified as a mid-level support project or as an in-depth support project. If you are unsure of the scope of your project, you are welcome to apply in the pre-proposal stage. 

How to apply

Since InfraVis are supporting research with complex and often data driven projects where sometimes the help needed might not even be known by the stakeholder we want to invite and involve all applicants in an early stage of the ideation and application.

InfraVis is a human-resource infrastructure that works closely with researchers applying for support. Thus, it is necessary to establish a clear framework that includes expectations, workplans and infrastructure resources. Hence, we have developed a stepwise application process to support applicants. Applicants are encouraged to follow the dialogue-based process we have developed, but it is possible to simply apply during the final call period in September with a deadline on October 1st.

Evaluation Criteria:

The pre-proposal closes on June 14th. The two aims of the pre-proposal are: 1) to evaluate the scientific case and the potential impact visualization will have on it; and 2) to match the requirements of the proposal with the resources at InfraVis. 

We plan to schedule a short meeting in August to discuss the results of our evaluation of the pre-proposals with applicants and a longer workshop in September to delve deeper into the scientific questions and the role of visualization.

The call formally opens on September 2nd and closes on October 1st. We will review the applications in October and notify applicants early in November. 

Important deadlines for the call 

  • Pre-proposal Call opens May 1st 2024
  • Pre-proposal Call closes June 14th 2024, 23:59 CET
  • Final Call opens September 2nd 2024 
  • Final Call closes October 1st 2024, 23:59 CET 
  • Announcement early November

Application links

  • Send in your Pre-proposal (Closed)
  • Full Proposal Form (Opens on September 2nd
  • If you have questions, contact us at