Jonas Ahlstedt

Lund University


Role In Infravis

Application Expert


Experienced In

Scientific Visualization, Virtual Reality, Cell image quantification

Tools Used Frequently


Jonas works as an Associate Researcher at Lund University Bioimaging Center, Faculty of Medicine. He also works as an Application Expert for both CIPA (Correlative Image Processing and Analysis) and InfraVis (National Research Infrastructure for Data Visualization).

Project for InfraVis

  • 3D mapping of cortical changes leading to epileptic seizures

    Epilepsies are a family of devastating disorders characterized by spontaneous, recurrent seizures. It is one of the most common brain disorders and considered the most burdensome neurologic disorder worldwide. ​Available pharmacological treatments are only symptomatic, often with side effects and fail to adequately control seizures in one third of patients.

    3D mapping of cortical changes leading to epileptic seizures