Emanuel Larsson
The Faculty of Medicine, Lund University
Role In Infravis
Node Coordinator
Experienced In
Tomographic Imaging, Synchrotron X-ray microtomography, Neutron tomography, Image Processing, Image Analysis, 3D Rendering, Data Visualization, Raspberry Pi Project development
Tools Used Frequently
Python Jupyter Notebooks, DragonFly, VG Studio MAX, Drishti, ITK Snap, Paraview
Emanuel works as a Researcher at the Department of Experimental Medical Science at the Faculty of Medicine. He has experience in X-ray and Neutron tomographic imaging, including image processing, image analysis and visualization.
More in detail I works as a
- Node Coordinator for InfraVis (National Research Infrastructure for Data Visualization)
- Coordinator for CIPA (Correlative Image Processing and Analysis)
- Cross Border Infrastructure Ambassador for HALRIC (Hanseatic Life Science Research Infrastructure Consortium)
- an Associate Researcher at QIM (Center for Quantification of Imaging Data from MAX IV).
Skill Card

Project for InfraVis
Producing and Rendering a 3D Mesh of Cassida Viridis – Green Tortoise Beetle
This project focused on developing a user-friendly and accessible pipeline for producing 3D models or ‘meshes’ from volumetric datasets, specifically for this case, in the domain of biology.
Segmenting Glomeruli and other structures from synchrotron X-ray microtomography datasets
Diabetes is a long-lasting health condition with serious complications. We studied a new group of rats with a specific genetic mutation linked to diabetes. Regardless of their gender and blood sugar levels, these rats were overweight and had larger livers, hearts, and kidneys compared to normal rats. A study of the size of Bowmans space…
Other Projects
Neutron radiography for detection of leakage in prefilled syringes, as studied in-situ during varying pressure and temperature
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Strategically educating academia and industry in Tomographic
X-ray and Neutron imaging, also using visible light
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On GitHub >

E. Larsson et al., Kitchen-based light tomography – a DIY toolkit for advancing tomography – by and for the tomography community, Tomography of Materials and Structures 1 (2023), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tmater.2022.100001
Preclinical imaging of asthma using Synchrotron X-ray
