Emanuel Larsson


Inspecting tomographic datasets and Protein Data Base files in Augmented Reality – the perfect tool for an immersive poster session

Inspecting tomographic datasets and Protein Data Base files in Augmented Reality – the perfect tool for an immersive poster session

The InfraVis node at Lund University has developed an application and workflow to visualize tomographic datasets in the immersive CAVE system at the Virtual Reality laboratory at LTH – Faculty of Engineering. The workflow was originally made for the LINXS hackathon SynchroMage: 3D Tomography and Visualisation for Earth’s Hidden Treasures – Environment and Climate theme, but after a positive evaluation from participants, also described in the following LINXS article, we have kept the development going.

Volume and slice visualization in the CAVE at LTH’s VR lab

Volume and slice visualization in the CAVE at LTH’s VR lab

The InfraVis node at Lund University has developed an application and workflow to visualize tomographic datasets in the immersive CAVE system at the Virtual Reality laboratory at LTH – Faculty of Engineering. The workflow was originally made for the LINXS hackathon SynchroMage: 3D Tomography and Visualisation for Earth’s Hidden Treasures – Environment and Climate theme, but after a positive evaluation from participants, also described in the following LINXS article, we have kept the development going.

Hackathon: SynchroMage: 3D Tomography and Visualisation for Earth’s Hidden Treasures – Environment and Climate theme

Hackathon: SynchroMage: 3D Tomography and Visualisation for Earth’s Hidden Treasures – Environment and Climate theme

Time: October 22-23, 2024; LINXS – Institute of Advanced Neutron and X-ray Science, IDEON Delta 5, Floor 5, Scheelevägen 19, 223 70 Lund, Sweden



Imaging at large-scale facilities offers unique opportunities for measuring a material’s microstructure. Most often, these measurements require quantitative image analysis to obtain the relevant information. To ensure a high scientific output from MAX IV, the QIM center aims at developing and using the most relevant tools for analyzing the data for a given problem.



LU-IPA, previously CIPA, is the Lund University infrastructure for Image Processing and Analysis.
LU-IPA provides services for image processing and analysis, guidance and tutorial to software, access to computer work stations with image processing and analysis software, access to on-site application expertise and tools.

Segmenting Glomeruli and other structures from synchrotron X-ray microtomography datasets

Segmenting Glomeruli and other structures from synchrotron X-ray microtomography datasets

Diabetes is a long-lasting health condition with serious complications. We studied a new group of rats with a specific genetic mutation linked to diabetes. Regardless of their gender and blood sugar levels, these rats were overweight and had larger livers, hearts, and kidneys compared to normal rats. A study of the size of Bowmans space (difference between outer perimeter and Tuft of their glomeruli) can reveal tendencies toward having or developing cancer. In that respect advanced machine learning approaches are used to automatically segment and evaluate 3D volumetric information of many of the structures found within the tomography scans collected.