InfraVis – Visualization support of X-ray and Neutron imaging datasets – Heritage Science Theme

Hosted by the LINXS – Institute of Advanced Neutron and X-ray Science

Location: LINXS, IDEON Delta 5, Floor 5, Scheelevägen 19, 223 70 Lund, Sweden
Time: October 31, 2023
Author: Emanuel Larsson

Learn how Swedish users can obtain help with scientific visualization of X-ray or Neutron imaging datasets through InfraVis – a new Swedish National Research Infrastructure For Data Visualization!

Emanuel works as a Researcher at the Department of Experimental Medical Science at the Faculty of Medicine, Lund University. He also works as a Lund University Node Coordinator for InfraVis – a new Swedish National Research Infrastructure for Data Visualization with 9 Swedish partner universities, and in total 50 visualization experts. He also works as both a Coordinator and Application expert at CIPA –  a cross faculty infrastructure at Lund University focusing on supporting users with tomographic X-ray and neutron imaging – from acquisition, to image reconstruction, image processing, image analysis, and visualization.

How to Find


LINXS, IDEON Delta 5, Floor 5, Scheelevägen 19, 223 70 Lund, Sweden