
The project’s primary objective is to create a comprehensive Nordic resource for…

Visualizing Literacy of Children in School

This project explores ways of visualizing data concerning the literacy metrics of elementary school children in Sweden, collected using a sophisticated tool developed for this…

The pulse of the wood

Monitoring of Wooden houses: Time series of sensors data measuring humidity, temperatures, vibrations and weather conditions.

  • Volume and slice visualization in the CAVE at LTH’s VR lab

    Volume and slice visualization in the CAVE at LTH’s VR lab

    The InfraVis node at Lund University has developed an application and workflow to visualize tomographic datasets in the immersive CAVE system at the Virtual Reality laboratory at LTH – Faculty of Engineering. The workflow was originally made for the LINXS hackathon SynchroMage: 3D Tomography and Visualisation for Earth’s Hidden Treasures – Environment and Climate theme,…