Lund University


InfraVis Days in Lund

InfraVis Days in Lund

InfraVis Days in Lund 5-7 November 2024 Twice per year, InfraVis gathers at one of the nodes (partner universities) for knowledge exchange. This time Lund university is the host and there will be workshops, visit to the Humanities lab, and of course the InfraVis User Forum. The InfraVis User Forum is an opportunity for InfraVis users to showcase their projects and results, and to inspire future users of InfraVis excellent support. This part of the InfraVis Days is also open to the public. Below you find a preliminary program. Please register before the 21st October. Guests from outside InfraVis…

Hackathon: SynchroMage: 3D Tomography and Visualisation for Earth’s Hidden Treasures – Environment and Climate theme

Hackathon: SynchroMage: 3D Tomography and Visualisation for Earth’s Hidden Treasures – Environment and Climate theme

Time: October 22-23, 2024; LINXS – Institute of Advanced Neutron and X-ray Science, IDEON Delta 5, Floor 5, Scheelevägen 19, 223 70 Lund, Sweden



Imaging at large-scale facilities offers unique opportunities for measuring a material’s microstructure. Most often, these measurements require quantitative image analysis to obtain the relevant information. To ensure a high scientific output from MAX IV, the QIM center aims at developing and using the most relevant tools for analyzing the data for a given problem.