LU-IPA, previously konown as CIPA, is the Lund University infrastructure for Image Processing and Analysis.
Contact Person
Emanuel Larsson
The research infrastructure for Correlative Image Processing and Analysis (CIPA) aims at reducing the gap between the amount of acquired and consequently analysed images. CIPA provides services for image processing and analysis, guidance and tutorial to software, access to computer work stations with image processing and analysis software, access to on-site application expertise and tools.
People Work here
Alexandros Sopasakis
Application Expert
Carl Troein
Application Expert
Emanuel Larsson
Node Coordinator
Jonas Ahlstedt
Application Expert
Kajsa M Paulsson
Vice director
Project supported from here
How to Find
Biomedicinskt Centrum (BMC)
Entrance C14
Lund University
Klinikgatan 32
222 42 Lund