Welcome to the InfraVis 2024 webinar and Q&A

TIME: 13:00 – 15:00 CEST on May 23rd, 24th, 31st

WHERE: Zoom –  https://kth-se.zoom.us/my/visualmario

COST: Free of charge

CONTACT: katharina.beckmann@med.lu.se

WHAT: The purpose of this session is to introduce and explain the application process for in-depth support from InfraVis. In this process, we are aiming to work together with applicants to improve the feasibility of the applications. We need to discuss the available resources of the infrastructure, the impact of the visualization on the research, and the potential timeline of collaboration. Our goal is to present the workings of the application in 30 minutes and the time remaining we aim to answer questions. For more information on the call, please refer to the Call Page.

Registration is open until May 22nd.

For more detailed information about the call in general, please visit the main information page.