Representatives from InfraVis at Uppsala University, Ingela Nyström (Node Coordinator), Nikita Singh (Application Expert), and Carmen Medina (Communicator), recently visited the Department of Ecology and Genetics to present InfraVis to the evolutionary biology research community.

Linked to this community are some of the most important national and international research infrastructures and networks in the field, such as SBDI, the Swedish National Infrastructure for Biodiversity Data. SDBI aggregates biodiversity data from multiple sources and makes it available and usable online. It is the largest collection of freely available biodiversity data in Sweden.

After the presentation, the InfraVis group had the opportunity to talk with the researchers about their various data and needs for visualization. We foresee that a number of these projects will become InfraVis users in a near future.

Text Box: The wide field of Evolutionary biology, biodiversity and ecosystem science is one of Uppsala University’s research areas of excellence. Its final goal being the understanding of the links between sustainable development and human wellbeing, this field of research is interdisciplinary in nature and extends to social and political aspects of biodiversity preservation, and environmental policy.