Alexandros Sopasakis
Lund University
Role In Infravis
Application Expert
Experienced In
Mathematical Computer Vision and Machine Learning, Machine Learning-based segmentation, Annotation tools
Alexandros works as an Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Engineering. He also works as an Application Expert for both CIPA (Correlative Image Processing and Analysis) and InfraVis (National Research Infrastructure for Data Visualization).
Project for InfraVis
Segmenting Glomeruli and other structures from synchrotron X-ray microtomography datasets
Diabetes is a long-lasting health condition with serious complications. We studied a new group of rats with a specific genetic mutation linked to diabetes. Regardless of their gender and blood sugar levels, these rats were overweight and had larger livers, hearts, and kidneys compared to normal rats. A study of the size of Bowmans space…