Vasilis Naserentin
Chalmers University of Technology
Research Engineer
Role In Infravis
Application Expert
Experienced In
High-performance Performance Computing, Multi-physics simulations, Digital Twinning on the urban scale, Back-end development, Embedded Systems, Devops
Currently I am the lead software architect at the Digital Twin Cities Centre (DTCC – [https://dtcc.chalmers.se](https://dtcc.chalmers.se)), a national competence institute hosted by Chalmers University of Technology. Additionally, I am affiliated with the Division of Applied Mathematics & Statistics in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Chalmers.
My primary involvement revolves around the research and development of digital twins for urban settings, with a particular emphasis on high-performance computing applications. This includes multi-physics simulations and data fusion on an urban scale.”
I primarily serve as the bridge between DTCC and InfraVis, mainly as technical lead in joined projects, especially in activities centered on urban-scale visualization.
Project for InfraVis
MiljöVis II & MålVis 2022 – 2024
The project aims to develop and scale up new methods and solutions for 3D-visualization of invisible data (air, sound, and social consequences)