Mattis Lindmark
Umeå University
System developer
Role In Infravis
Application Expert
Experienced In
3D, Digital Media Production, Game Design, XR development, Digital Art, Aesthetic Pedagogy, Visual Storytelling
Tools Used Frequently
Unity, Maya, Adobe Creative Suite
System developer focused on 3D, digital media production and computer games. Mattis works in specific projects as well as in daily activities with short courses and support in Humlab.
He is interested in interdisciplinary methods to bring together knowledge and experience from widely different areas within and outside the academic context.
Project for InfraVis
SEAD Conservation Paleobiology
This project aim to demonstrate the availability of a long-term record of biodiversity data which could be used to understand the biodiversity implications of the current climate and extinction crisis. The visualisation can lead to a discussion about the regulations for sound environments, and to the initiation of new research questions about health effects.