Matteo Tomasini
University of Gothenburg
Research Engineer
Role In Infravis
Application Expert
Experienced In
Agent-based modelling, Visualization of complex datasets, Applied statistics, Interdisciplinary research, Software development, Unit testing, Documentation
Tools Used Frequently
Python, R, Django, Github
I am a research engineer specialized in developing software to support researchers in their tasks. I have a background spanning from physics to evolutionary biology and I currently work at the Gothenburg Research Infrastructure in Digital Humanities at GU. This wide background allows me to facilitate communication between researchers from different fields in order to help developing and maintaining coherent interdisciplinary strategies for research.
At InfraVis I contribute to develop reproducible and reliable software that leads to state-of-the art visualization, and I am an expert in the visualization of complex scientific results. I additionally use my skills to lead and manage projects within the infrastructure.
Project for InfraVis
Utopia web app: Study Microplastics Fate And Transport On A Global Scale
Plastic pollution has emerged as a significant environmental concern, drawing increasing attention from the public and government agencies. In recent years, the presence of microplastics in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems worldwide has become a critical focus of concern.