LU eSCIENCE Hub presenting the Swedish infrastructure InfraVis – visualisation experts at your service
Hosted by the LU eScience Hub at Lund University
Location: Mathematics dept, Lund, Sweden
Time: 13:00 – 15:30, March 14, 2024
Author: Alexandros Sopasakis

InfraVis is a Swedish national infrastructure that provides advanced visualisation services on research data from any scientific domain. Effective as of 2022, InfraVis aims at supporting Swedish scientific advancement and is funded by the Swedish Research Council.
Lund University is one of the nine Swedish universities forming the InfraVis constellation that with Chalmers as lead partner got national infrastructure funding from the Swedish Research Council. The Infravis@LU Team draws upon the breadth of knowledge at LU, with key elements being located in four faculties and is coordinated by the LU Research Infrastructure ‘Correlative Image Processing and Analysis’ (CIPA)
This event is particularly geared to address users needs in infrastructures such as MAXIV, ESS, LINXS as well as the Medical, Engineering and other faculties working with data and in need of machine learning and visualisation expertise at Lund University .
Deadline for registration: 11 March 12:00 (noon)
Specific location information will be emailed to all participants once registration is closed. It is not possible to attend the workshop online.
InfraVis – The National Research Infrastructure For Data Visualization
CIPA – The research infrastructure for Correlative Image Processing and Analysis
eSSENCE and eScience – the LU eScience Hub at Lund University
How to Find (specific room location will be send via email)
Sölvegatan 18, Mathematics, LTH, Lund, Sweden