Jens Nirme
Lund University
Role In Infravis
Application Expert
Experienced In
Multimodal interaction and communication, behaviour and learning in virtual environments, tool development, MOCAP
Tools Used Frequently
Object-oriented programming, Unity, R, Blender, AutoDesk 3D suite, HTML + JS
Jens works as a Researcher at the Department of Design Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University. He also works as an Application Expert for InfraVis (National Research Infrastructure for Data Visualization).
Project for InfraVis
Butterflies in Virtual Reality: developing workflows for efficient morphological segmentation and analysis of X-ray microtomography Datasets
Initially an InfraVis pilot project, the VR lab at LTH has worked with Sridhar Halali, a researcher at the LU Dept. of Biology. As part of his work to understand how butterflies have evolved in response to environmental changes, Dr Halali has collected a dataset of microCT scans of butterflies. The specific trait of interest…