InfraVis Days 2024 at UmU

InfraVis Days at UmU – only for members of InfraVis
We warmly welcome you to our upcoming InfraVis-days, to be held 18-20th of March, this time in Umeå. At Umeå University, you will have the opportunity to visit one of the InfraVis nodes: Humlab, a unit and research infrastructure within the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. Humlab is dedicated to research, teaching, and collaboration in the field of Digital Humanities. During these days, our focus will be on Visualization within Arts and Humanities. We will explore various methods, tools, and techniques, and visit environments within Arts and Humanities that utilize visualization in unique ways, we wish this will inspire other disciplines. Furthermore, we will seize this opportunity to foster better relationships across the nodes, aiming to create a creative and collaborative work environment. The program also offers numerous opportunities for workshops and collaborations across nodes, as well as our first User Forum, in the format of a panel with local users of InfraVis.
If you plan to arrive early, consider visiting some of the nearby slopes around Umeå (please note, a car is required for transportation):
We even have a small slope in Umeå: , you can get there by city bus. Here you may borrow equipment:
Welcome to Umeå!
Address: Biblioteksgränd 10, 901 74 Umeå
Main venue: Humlab, Social science building in the basement below the University library
Venues at Humlab:
H1 – Meeting room
H1 – Open floor
H2 – The room with the big screen
H4 – Meeting room in the Humanities building, floor 4
All other locations will be guided to from Humlab. See below for details.
Agenda InfraVis days in Umeå 2024
13:00-13:30 Welcome, Phil Buckland, Vice Dean of Arts and Humanities. Venue: H2
13:30 – 14:00 Welcome (Monica Billger, Karin Danielsson). Venue: H2
14:00 – 15:00 Mingle/speed dating, including coffee. Venue H1 open floor
15:00 – 16:00 Panel session: User forum with local InfraVis users. Moderator: Evelina Liliequist. Local users: Stefan Gelfgren, Phil Buckland, Madelene Bodin. Venue: H2
16:00-17:00 Presentations and discussions: Research infrastructures. Venue: H2
17:00– 19:00 Gaming night with refreshments. Venue: H2
8:00-9:00 Steering group meeting. Venue: H1
8:30 Coffee and small talk. Venue: H1 open floor
9:00-9:10 Group photo. If possible, meet up in H2 at 8.45
9:10-11:45 Visual storytelling workshop, arranged by Humlab (for all participants) Carl-Erik Engqvist & Mattis Lindmark Venue: H2
This workshop aims to first introduce the participants to visual storytelling with examples from games, art, film, research, etc. This includes Humlab’s experience with pedagogical projects and art installations. Inspired by these examples, our second goal with the Visual Storytelling workshop is to throw the participants into a playful and informal context and encourage them, per our instructions, to collaborate on creative, hands-on problem-solving in a medium of their choice, including, if they prefer, some very analog ones. Expect some surprises and plenty of laughter.
11:45-13:15 Lunch. Venue: Universum (we will walk there together from Humlab)
13:15-14:15 Parallel activities
- Project work across nodes (F2F meetings in ongoing InfraVis projects). Venue: H2
- Hackaton in a hybrid environment (Lonni). Venue: H1/Hybrid
- Best practice sharing (Nikita). Venue: H1 open floor
14:15 – 15:00 Walk down to Arts campus/ “coffee to go”
15:00 – 16:00 Guided tour at Bildmuseet, ways to visualize art and mathematical algorithms: “The sculptures are controlled by a multitude of programmed motors concealed beneath the gallery ceiling. These subtle and hypnotically evocative works invite contemplation on form, space, movement, and time”
16:00 – 17:00 Curiosum tour and visit Curiosum is part of Wisdome, a national initiative to develop world-class digital labs and learning environments in which five of Sweden’s leading science centres have joined forces.
17–19 Dinner at Curiosum
19-19:30 Show (Curiosum)
8:30 Coffee and mingle. Venue: H1 open floor
9:00- 10:00 IAE parallel workshops (possible up to 5 workshops)
- Motion capture (Mattis & Jim, limit 10 pers). Venue: H1 meeting room
- Using and visualizing networks (Maria, limit 15 pers). Venue: Room SAM.A.305 (meet up in H1 open floor 8.30, Maria will guide you to the workshop room)
- Is Science Self-Correcting? A Tale of Obscurantism, Slow Response, and Misconduct (Lonni). Venue: H2
- Best practice sharing (Nikita). Venue: H1 open floor
- Project work across nodes (F2F meetings in ongoing InfraVis projects) nodes (F2F meetings in ongoing InfraVis projects). Venue: H2
- Hackaton in a hybrid environment (Lonni). Venue: H1/hybrid
- Best practice sharing (Nikita). Venue: H1 open floor
11:30-12:00 Presentations and summary of InfraVis days. Venue: H2
12:00-13:00 Lunch (possible to go)
IAE Workshops and activities:
Network analysis and visualization in Gephi (IAE Maria Podkorytova)
The workshop is focused on opportunities of network analysis and visualization as research instruments. The first focus of the workshop will be making assumptions about network. How do we come to seeing network in the data? How do we make a decision on what should be named as nodes and what – as edges? How does the initial assumption impact the research outcome? The second focus will be open data and open software, available for network analysis. Finally, we will have hands on experience with the small data array and discuss how network visualization impacts the perception of the data.
Motion capture (IAEs Mattis Lindmark and Jim Robertsson)
This workshop primarily target InfraVis nodes that have motion capture equipment already, but also IAE experts interested in exploring and discussing how the equipment can be used in InfraVis for visualization.
Is Science Self-Correcting? A Tale of Obscurantism, Slow Response, and Misconduct (Lonni Besançon)
In this interactive talk, Lonnie will present many different examples of academic misconduct and invite participants to try and detect them themselves. The talk will cover everything from: questionable research practices to fake papers and include image/visualization manipulation, fake data, peer-review fraud, and paper mills.
Best practice sharing (IAE Nikita Singh)
This workshop is dedicated to best practice in project management and task execution. In this session, IAEs across nodes are invited to participate in knowledge exchange session on sharing key topics in making work reusable, adapting to users existing frameworks, defining and implementing good practices and strategies for user communication.
Hackaton in a hybride environment (Lonni Besançon)
The hackathon will propose to create two web-based visualizations of our competencies and accepted proposals that will be used on the website and based on the data we have so far collected.