InfraVis Colloquium Recap: Tackling High-Dimensional Data Visualization
19th November 2024 Uppsala University arranged a session on Information Visualization, where the renowned professor Professor Alexandru C. Telea, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, was invited to teach.

High-dimensional data is central to a multitude of application fields. At the same time, visually exploring such data is one of the largest challenges in information visualization due to our inherent inability to depict more than three dimensions. In this colloquium, an overview of techniques that have been developed over the years were presented.
The colloquium was structured into two parts. In the first part, classical techniques for visualizing data with a limited number of dimensions were discussed, and in the second part the focus shifted to dimensionality reduction (DR) techniques, which are among the most scalable tools for high-dimensional data visualization. The potential of DR was demonstrated through recent applications in explainable AI.