Contact Person
Peter Westerdahl
VIAMD (Visual Interactive Analysis of Molecular Dynamics) is an innovative open-source software designed to enhance and streamline the analysis of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. By integrating 3D visualization of molecular trajectories with flexible analysis components, VIAMD addresses common workflow challenges faced by researchers who typically rely on multiple separate tools. This integration fosters a more cohesive and interactive approach to MD analysis, allowing users to visualize molecular structures and trajectories while simultaneously conducting complex data evaluations.
One of the standout features of VIAMD is its custom scripting interface, which enables users to define and analyze properties specific to their research needs. This interface supports various analysis tools, including timeline, distribution, and density views, facilitating comprehensive statistical analyses. Additionally, VIAMD offers context-aware suggestions, helping users navigate property definitions and evaluations effectively. With support primarily for Gromacs file formats, VIAMD is optimized for performance through multi-threading, making it a powerful tool for researchers in the field of molecular dynamics.
Available for free on GitHub under the MIT license, VIAMD encourages collaborative development and community engagement. It comes with extensive documentation, including tutorials, examples and video to assist users in maximizing the software’s capabilities. Overall, VIAMD represents a significant advancement in molecular dynamics analysis, providing a user-friendly platform that combines visualization, computation, and analysis in a seamless manner.
The current devolepment of VIAMD is focusing on extending its capabilties to support the visualization and analysis of electronic structure calculation for the VeloxChem software.
Financial Support
VIAMD has received constant financial support since 2018 from the Swedish e-Research center (SeRC) and the Wallenberg Foundation.
VIAMD github: https://github.com/scanberg/viamd
VIAMD documentation: https://github.com/scanberg/viamd/wiki
VIAMD videos: https://github.com/scanberg/viamd/wiki
VIAMD article: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jcim.3c01033
VIAMD is supported by InfraVis for specific projects
* Parser for LAMMPS file (2301-5217 / 140 hours)
* Interactive analysis of VeloxChem file (interactive analysis of orbitals and spectra plotting) (600 hours)