InfraVis Days October 2023 at KTH

We held the fourth InfraVis Days at KTH from October 3rd to the 4th. On October 2nd we held the Steering Group meeting as well as the first Scientific Advisory Board meeting. We defined a number of procedures to improve the workflows of InfraVis.

From the morning of October 3rd, we focused on our main goal for the two-day meeting: to place the 46 projects from the June call on a clear path toward successful project management. We defined the workflow in Teams for the projects and who the project owners and managers will be. We also focused on internal and external training and communication. In the evening we enjoyed an unforgettable night at KTH’s Reactor Hall, with wonderful food and wine.
On day two we continued to define the workflow of the projects and redacted the user agreements. We ended the day with a tour of the Visualization Studio’s research, including augmented neurosurgery, and with a few retro games on the large 4k screen.
We are looking forward to the advancement of the projects and the infrastructure and to the next InfraVis Days at Umeå in March. See you soon!