InfraVis Days in Sundsvall 19th-20th March 2025

Twice per year, InfraVis gathers at one of the nodes (partner universities) for knowledge exchange. This time Mid Sweden University is the host and there will be workshops, presentations, and meetings.

Below you find a preliminary program.

Welcome to Sundsvall!

Preliminary Program

Arrival Day, Tuesday 18th March

Bishop’s Arms (Stone City)

20:00 Optional Social Gathering

Day 1, Wednesday, 19th March

Mittuniversitetet, Campus Sundsvall, Holmgatan 10, Hus L, Vån 1, Rum L111

08:00 Registration and mingle

08:30 Welcome – InfraVis Director

08:45 Welcome to MiUn

09:00 Presentation: Project Journey

10:00 Coffee Break (in the room)

10:30 Project Protocols: Presentation, Discussion, Decision, Voting, Comments

12:00 Lunch at Grönborg

13:00 Invited talk: Software and Data Curation

14:00 Hands on Workshop

15:00 Coffee Break

15:30 Hands on Workshop

16:30 Eventing Outlook

17:00 Social activity (TBD)

18:30 Dinner

Day 2, Thursday, 20th March

Mittuniversitetet, Campus Sundsvall, Holmgatan 10, Hus L, Vån 1, Rum L111

08:00 LMMs for Research and Visualization: Presentation

09:15 Coffee Break

09:45 Hands on Workshops

12:00 Lunch at Grönborg

13:00 L3 Outreach / Personnel Onboarding

14:00 InfraVis Call 2025

15:00 Coffee Break

15:30 InfraVis 2026

16:30 InfraVis 2027+

17:00 Light Dinner

18:00 Cross-Country Skiing (Optional)