InfraVis Days in Lund 5-7 November 2024
Twice per year, InfraVis gathers at one of the nodes (partner universities) for knowledge exchange. This time Lund university is the host and there will be workshops, visit to the Humanities lab, and of course the InfraVis User Forum.
The InfraVis User Forum is an opportunity for InfraVis users to showcase their projects and results, and to inspire future users of InfraVis excellent support. This part of the InfraVis Days is also open to the public.
Below you find a preliminary program.
Please register before the 21st October. Guests from outside InfraVis are welcome to register for the InfraVis User Forum (Wednesday 6th November 13.30). Please note that the rest of the meeting is a closed event.
Welcome to Lund!
Preliminary Program
Day 1, Tuesday 5th November
Forum Medicum
Sölvegatan 19, 223 62 Lund.
Main entrance
Get here: Stop Universitetssjukhuset or Fysiologen (several public transport lines go here)
10.00-12.00 Visit to MoRe Lab – Movement and Reality lab.
- Meeting point: Main entrance, Forum Medicum, Sölvegatan 19, 223 62 Lund.
- Then we walk together to the MoRe Lab.
BMC Biomedicinskt centrum
Klinikgatan 32 (corner of Klinikgatan and Baravägen)
Belfrage lecture hall, entrance D, level 15
Get here: Stop Universitetssjukhuset or Fysiologen (several public transport lines go here)
Main venue: Belfrage lecture hall, BMC D15
12.00-13.00 Registration and lunch, in the foyer outside the, Venue: Belfrage lecture hall
13.00-13.15 Welcome by Monica Billger and introduction of the InfraVis LU node by Kajsa Paulsson
13.15-14.15 Service design workshop, Yin He, LiU
14.15-16.00 Steering committee meeting (track 1), Meeting room BENGT BORGSTRÖM, BMC D15
14.15-16.00 Parallel sessions:
- Module 7 skills and training workshop (Nikita Singh, Matteo Tomasini, Liang Zhou, Henrik Garde), Meeting room SVEN GARDELL, BMC D15
- Work on common development and strategic projects, BELFRAGE lecture hall, BMC D15
- InfraVis – NAISS project
- Work on multi-node user support projects
- Other project to discuss, open for suggestions.
15.00-15.15 Coffee and tea, mingle for everyone
15.15-16.00 Continue work as above
16.00 Walk to Humanities Lab at LUX
- Meeting point: BMC Biomedicinskt centrum, ground floor of Klinikgatan 32 (corner of Klinikgatan and Baravägen)
- Then we walk together to Humanities Lab at LUX.
16.15-17.00 Visit to Humanities lab, at LUX
17.15-17.45 Pizza at LUX
18.00-19.00 Skissernas museum, visit, 2 parallel tours.
Day 2, Wednesday 6th November
Venue: Ingvar Kamprad Design Centrum (IKDC)
IKDC Ingvar Kamprad designcentrum
Klas Anshelms väg 20, Lund (västra sidan av IKDC)
Get here: Stop Ideontorget (tram 1)
09.00-10.00 Parallel sessions: Tutorials/demo – (2 rooms IKDC)
- Tutorial in ParaView, Jonas Lindemann, LU, Venue: VR-lab (basement), inner room: 165.
- Module 7 skills and training workshop, (Nikita Sing, Matteo Tomasini, Liang Zhou, Henrik Garde a.o.), Venue: A:1009, A-house (next to IKDC)
- Available venues for sponatenous workshop: room 402 (floor 4) and 502 (floor 5).
10.00 -10.30 Coffee break, (ground floor, outside the PhD thesis wall)
10.30-12.00 Parallel sessions: Workshops (3 rooms IKDC)
- AR visualization of 3D volumes, Gunter Alce, LU, Venue: VR-lab (basement), inner room: 165.
- GUI development using Python, Carl Troein, LU, Venue: room 402 (floor 4)
- Module 7 skills and training workshop – continuation, (Nikita Sing, Matteo Tomasini, Liang Zhou, Henrik Garde a.o.), Venue: A:1009, A-house (next to IKDC)
- Available venues for sponatenous workshop: 502 (floor 5).
10.30-12.00 SAB – Scientific Advisory Board meeting (with coffee and tea) LINXS, 5th floor, IDEON Delta 5, Scheelevägen 19, 223 70 Lund
12.00-13.30 Lunch at IKDC (ground floor, outside the PhD thesis wall)
13.30-16.10 User Forum and Presentations at IKDC, Venue: room 212, ground floor (“same floor as the reception”), “Stora Hörsalen” (Swe.)
13.30 – 13.40 Introduction of InfraVis by Mario Romero, KTH (moderator)
13.40 – 15.55 User projects and insights
- 13.40 – 13.55 User 1. Visualization of vegetation demographic processes within a Dynamic Global Vegetation Model, David Wårlind, LU
- 13.55 – 14.10 User 2. Using virtual reality as a method to analyse single-cell data, and as an education tool in paediatric oncology, Shamit Sonej, LU
- 14.10 – 14.25 User 3. Monitoring of Älvkarleby test embankment dam using 3D electrical resistivity tomography for detection of internal defects, Torleif Dahlin, LU
- 14.25 – 14.40 User 4. Visualizing bacterial pathogens in action during infection and antimicrobial resistance, Sena Gizem Süer, UmU (via Zoom)
- 14.40 – 15.10 Coffee break
- 15.10 – 15.25 User 5. Birds’ song project, Susanne Åkesson, LU
- 15.25 – 15.40 User 6. MiljöVis, Beata Stahre Wästberg, Chalmers (via Zoom)
- 15.40 – 15.55 User 7. Visualizing AI generated population data, Ericka Johnson, LiU (via Zoom)
15.55-16.25 Discussion session – How to develop InfraVis? Mario Romero, KTH
16.30-17.30 Open House in the VR-lab and Poster Session, Venue: VR-lab (basement)
17.30-18.00 SAB – Scientific Advisory Board meeting (SAB, MT and SG), Venue: IKDC, Room: DC:567, floor 5.
18.30 Dinner at restaurant Bryggan, IKDC, Venue: restaurant Bryggan (Ground floor)
Day 3, Thursday 7th November

Venue: MAX IV, room MAX III
MAX IV Laboratory
Fotongatan 2
Get here: Stop MAX IV (tram 1)
09.00-10.15 Welcome and introduction to MAX IV and InfraVis
- Welcome by Olof “Charlie” Karis, director, MAX IV
- InfraVis and MAX IV, Kajsa Paulsson vice-director, InfraVis
- Overview presentation of MAX IV, Joachim Schnadt, interrim director, science division MAX IV
10.15-10.45 Coffee and tea
10.45-12.00 Visualization projects connected to MAX IV
- 10.45 – 11.00 – Introduction to InfraVis expertise related to X-ray datasets and workflows, Emanuel Larsson, LU/InfraVis
- 11. 00 – 11.15 – GUI development together with NanoMAX, MAX IV within the EXHALE Vinnova project, Bryan Falcones, MAX IV and Carl Troein, LU/InfraVis
- 11.15 – 11.30 – Machine learning-based segmentation of microfossils scanned with Synchrotron X-ray microtomography, Helena Filipsson, LU
- 11. 30 – 11.45 – Freeze drying of pro-biotics using 4D Synchrotron X-ray microtomography at the ForMAX beamline, MAX IV, Shuai Bai, LU
- 11.45 – 12.00 – Virtual reality environment of beamlines + tomographic datasets, Jonas Ahlstedt, LU/InfraVis
12.00-13.00 Lunch at MAX IV
Optional program for the afternoon
Option 1 for MT, SAB and SG (Parallel session)
- 13.00-14.00 MAX IV tour, visit to selected beamlines at MAX IV
- 13:10 CoSAXS/ForMAX
- 13:25 Veritas
- 14:40 NanoMAX
- 14.00-15.00 Presentation about LINXS – Institute of Advanced Neutron and X-ray Science, Trevor Forsyth, LINXS
Option 2 for InfraVis application experts (Parallel session)
- 13.00-14.00 Speed dating, and brainstorming around potential future MAX IV-InfraVis projects
- 14.00-15.00 MAX IV tour, visit to selected beamlines at MAX IV
- 13:10 CoSAXS/ForMAX
- 13:25 Veritas
- 14:40 NanoMAX
General session, everyone
15.00 – 15.30 – Coffee break
15.30 – 16.00 Summary and farewell