Erik Sundén

Linköping University

Technical Manager, Manager for Applied Visualization Team

Role In Infravis

Application Expert


Experienced In

project management, software and hardware infrastructure, software development, real-time visualization, 3D volume data visualization, interaction development, medical data visualization, environmental data visualization, exhibition design

Tools Used Frequently

C++, OpenGL, ReactJS, Qt, Unity, Unreal Engine


I started at Visualization Center C when it opened in 2010, as a research engineer within the university to work on developing various platforms to be used in research and outreach, and 5 years later I took over as Technical Manager to make sure our environments for up-to-speed with the capabilities of showing our continuous efforts of creating software and content. Within this role there has been a lot of focus on both project management together with technical development,  to extend our portfolio and rapid prototyping in the center. I put most on my effort on using software and hardware in new ways to show others what we can do, but also because I strongly believe that to improve the infrastructure you need to continuously be involved in developing the content as well. 

I’m experienced in:

  • Project manager of content, software and hardware infrastructure as well as technical staff.
  • Developer and coordinator in open-source software for real-time visualization in various areas, often focusing on managing 3D volume data and/or interaction.
  • High knowledge and great interest in programming in visual media /graphics.

Project for InfraVis