Results from InfraVis Open Call
InfraVis can proudly announce that we received a wide variety of applications to our 2024 open call for in-depth support: 37 high-quality applications from 25 scientific domains, of which 26 have been granted in-depth support.
The demand for InfraVis support has increased to the point that it is now necessary to provide the support over an extended period.
A core mission of InfraVis is to establish collaborative links with other national research infrastructures. Towards this goal, InfraVis has strategically selected projects that will build strong connections to Onsala Space Observatory, the National Genomics Infrastructure, Swedigarch, and Språkbanken.
Our InfraVis node coordinators are now in the process of arranging the first meetings with the users and look forward to start supplying the support.